How to vote using your $GAIA tokens

3 min readJun 6, 2021

Step 1: Go to Snapshot โ€” Look to the top right of the page and Click on Connect Wallet. Select your preferred wallet (generally it will be either Metamask or Trust wallet).

Step 2: Confirm the connection when prompted by your wallet. For this example we are using Metamask. Hit Next and then Connect.

Step 3: Use the search function on Snapshot to find GaiaDAO.

Step 4: Click on GaiaDAO and you will be taken to our voting page. Look for any active votes to participate in and simply click on one to open it up.

Step 5: On the voting screen you will be able to choose from the available options for that particular vote. Make your selection and hit Vote.

You will then see this screen asking you to confirm your choice. Click on the blue Vote button if you are happy with your choice.

Step 6: Your wallet will prompt you to sign and finalise the transaction. Finally, hit Sign in your wallet and you are done! (Voting is 100% free, so there is no gas charge at all).

Congratulations! You have now used your $GAIA to vote!

Some extras

You can see the progress of the vote by scrolling down to the bottom of the voting page. Here you can see how many people have voted and how many tokens their Vote was worth.

On the right hand side of the screen you can see the overall results of the Vote in real time.

Under the information heading you can find out the start and end times for the Vote, as well as how much $GAIA was part of this Snapshot. This figure is the amount of $GAIA eligible to Vote in this round.

Snapshot makes the voting process easy and itโ€™s a great way for us to include the community in decisions. Come and join us on Discord or Telegram if you have any questions or get stuck trying to vote.




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